How to Recognize Your Hobby? - Interview Question

This question has been daunting to many of us since our school time and till job interviews. This is supposed to be a very casual fun question, but the majority of us struggle when questioned about it.

Well, it seems difficult. With so much struggle in our lives, people are busy trying to meet their targets, worrying about their kids, trying to get that deal done, and maintaining social relationships. The idea of having a hobby may sound too frivolous to some of us.

Should we really even bother ourselves about getting a hobby in such a stressful life?

Let’s discuss:

Hobby is not working, Period. It’s leisure time which you take out for yourself, spending it in actually living life. It is not supposed to bring any pressure but to make you relieve your tension by living in the moment.

How to recognize your hobby?

Expose yourself, be a little open. There have been times when many of us lost count of time in working on something that we love, it could be reading, writing, sightseeing, or gardening. It’s perfectly OK to even know your hobby at present, but that does not mean that you can’t have one.

What is a hobby doing to us?

Hobby Relaxes us:

Indulging in a hobby doesn’t let your brain wander. You leave aside your stressful world by simply doing something that you’re doing by choice.

Hobbies find you friends:

Hobbies help you make friends. As the saying goes, birds of the same feathers flock together. Your hobby will help you find your own tribe.

Hobbies can make your career:

Digitalization of the world has made it very easy to put talent across on global platforms. There are YouTube channels and social media pages where people are becoming financially independent by just pursuing their own hobbies.

Hobbies make us skillful:

It’s a fact that if you keep doing a certain task every day, you will get better with each passing day. Does not matter if you’re drawing a simple line on paper each day or creating a video, you’ll get better at it.

Hobbies make us confident:

When you do something extra from your regular work, it makes you stand out from the crowd. This gives a sense of achievement which boosts confidence.

Hobby reflects your personality:

People have had experiences where they were able to leave a good impression on the interviewer because of the hobbies they had. Hobbies give an insight into any personality.

How to get time for a hobby?

Some of us may say that we’re just too occupied to do this. Every Person in this world gets the same 24 hrs. It’s up to you how busy you wish to get with work. Prioritizing is a skill; some people don’t hone it. This could be developed. The moment we understand the worth of “Me time”, we’ll be able to find time for it just like we do every worthy thing.

To find yourself, think for yourself ~ Socrates

Mr. Yousaf Ali

I am delighted to have you here. As an avid English Teacher, Blogger, and YouTuber, I find joy in exploring and sharing my passions with the world.

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