Difference Between Since vs For in English

What's the difference?

The words 'for' and 'since' can both be used to express the duration of time, but they are used in different ways.


'For' is used to show the duration of time with a specific length or period.


I studied for three hours.

They were playing for six hours.

We have been living in London for ten years.


'Since' is used to indicate the starting point of a time frame or action.


Rehan has worked here since 2010.

I have been waiting for you since morning.

She has been practicing learning English since 2006.


In summary, 'for' shows the length of time, while 'since' indicates the starting point of a time frame.

For Instance:

I have been studying for three hours.

(indicating the length of time, three hours)

I haven't seen him since last week.

(indicating the specific time, last week)

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Note: If you want to learn more about since and for in the English language. So, just click on the link below to watch the video on YouTube.

Mr. Yousaf Ali

I am delighted to have you here. As an avid English Teacher, Blogger, and YouTuber, I find joy in exploring and sharing my passions with the world.

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