tips for learning enlgish

Difference Between Since vs For in English

What's the difference? The words 'for'  and 'since'  can both be used to express the duration of time , but they are used in different ways. For: 'For' is used to show the duration of time with a speci…

Direct and Indirect in English

Hello Dear Students!     We hope that you're enjoying reading our blog posts. So, now let's know the essential grammar lesson, which is Direct & Indirect  speeches. Before we go into depth about this grammar lesson …

Wake up VS Get up in English

WAKE UP: open your eyes and become awake/alert (after a period of sleep) GET UP: wake up and decide to stay awake for a period of time (and probably leave your bed) GET OUT OF BED: leave your bed after getting up EXAMPLE: This…

Difference Between HAVE, HAVE HAD, & HAD HAD in English

Difference Between HAVE,  HAVE HAD,  HAD HAD I HAVE A DOG. = I have one right now. Example: I have a dog. She is 13 years old. I HAVE HAD A DOG. = I had one at some point in the past.  Example: I have had dog. I do not have o…

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